The pool won round one, but I will prevail...and other chores to do... 'bye, summer.
It's a dark and chilly start to the day, and I'm grateful for coffee. Yesterday, as I was disassembling the pool, I caught my foot in some tall grass and then hit the ground pretty hard. Full-on face plant into mud (hullo, bugs). Twisted my ankle and knee a bit, hit my elbow...yeah, I'm a bit sore, and I had trouble getting up (and there was no one around to help me). Ah, graceful . I'll mend, but the stiff neck is a downer for sure. That said, I hope to finish putting it away today, assuming it dries well. Yesterday's incident just underscores that I'm not as young and able as I used to be, and it's humiliating in a lot of ways. The halcyon days of high summer are long gone, and we have chill and heavy dew, fog and crickets instead. A squeeing catbird is complaining, right outside my living room window. It's reminding me that soon, very soon, the A/C units must come out and be put away. I'll need some help with that; I can't lift them out of th...