HI ho, hi ho...it's off to work stuff I go...

Yeeeps, someone should have told me to go to bed earlier.

I'm up, but functioning is gonna take a bit. Today, all the teachers and paras head to Profile HS to gather (they say there's breakfast, but I don't trust that overly much), to have the "convocation" gathering. Years ago, there used to be a guest speaker, and one year, it was a really funny guy. Our budget doesn't allow for that, so this is more along the lines of, "hey, these are the new people at these schools, these are the veteran teachers --stand up in five year increments-- and holy moley look at the handful still standing after 25 years..." And we have on the agenda a discussion about Title IX changes, and I don't know, whatever all else. Then we'll scatter to our home bases, and put things in order for tonight's Open House. 

In a way, it's okay by me that the weather is dreary and chilly. I'll get what I need to do done, come home for a bit, then head back for 5pm. Then come home at 6, find something or other for dinner, and maybe put myself to bed at a proper time. Tomorrow, we have two --count 'em, TWO-- staff meetings. One is the general one, and then, after lunch, we will have a rousing chat about rubrics. Necessary, in a lot of ways, but not energizing. And in between, I'll be tidying up and what not up in 201. 

Here we go, folks. Year 38. 

And you know, I'll possibly be the last kid standing this morning when they are doing the Old Fogeys Still Teaching clap-fest. 




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