Brain mush and organizing shelves-- mental housecleaning

I'm pretty sure I don't have one single smart thing to say. My brain is tired from a long but interesting week of lectures and workshops. It's raining again. G is on crutches, the wound is not doing too badly, but there's still a very long and undetermined road ahead. 

Did I say it's raining? It is freakin' pouring, forever it seems. We've had maybe one non-rain day (that was Wednesday). And no dry days in sight til probably next Wednesday-- which is when G goes for another check-in. Our anniversary is next Thursday-- this year, we are likely not doing one dang thing. He is on a low to no-carb diet, so that lets out a whole lot of festive foods, especially going out to eat, even if he could navigate safely. Probably I'll make the same ol' food, and watch TV. 

I've been signing up for more poetry readings online-- it's all I can get to, it seems. I would LOVE to see/do something live. Maybe this fall, but we'll have to see. Weathervane Theatre is doing Clue, which I'd love to go to-- but I hate to go to things by myself. It's just not fun. So, we'll see how things go. Or don't go. Time will tell.

I'm feeling out of balance, out of sorts. Weather, this interminable state of playing injury-defense, etc. are all a weight I'm rather tired out by. I need to organize my thoughts. So, today I think I'll rearrange shelves and cupboards in the kitchen. It's cluttery, so I can justify the "need," but mostly it's because I can't fix the crap going on around me, so I'll straighten out the stuff I can. I've done that all my life; when things are unsettled or confusing, I organize my physical space. It seems to help. 

I have time and nowhere to go, and I hate living in my head so much, so I'll keep my hands busy. I don't feel ready to return to my poem drafts after this long week-- those ideas and suggestions need to simmer. And I can't hurry the healing that needs to happen around here. I'm tired of doing crossword puzzles. 

Like I said at the start, I have nothing smart to say today. Bear with me. And o...happy Nixon resigned day!



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