...buckle up. It's gonna be a crazy week.

VERY short post. It's Day One. 

That said, I suspect that school-time will be the least chaotic part of my day. Meg is working 10-7, G has a doctor appointment at 2, and Holly will be with me/us for later afternoon/dinner/tubby so Tim can go get Meg from work (they are down to one vehicle). I will fall asleep by 8pm, I think. 

In fact, the week will likely be a confetti in the blender kind of week. G's second surgery on Tues., other doctor appointments (and G will need rides due to freshly opened up wound), Meg's schedule (including a trip to Tufts on Wednesday), and me trying to adjust to work/home/crazy train stuff. 

We will manage, but I think it'll require buckling up. 

Wish us luck. 



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