Fog, damp, and a need to re-set... and "never underestimate a public school teacher," indeed.

The fog is thick today. Both outside and in my noggin. Two days of PD, with so much stuff, both professional and personal, going through my brain, has made me very slow and tired. The new air system at work is quite the upgrade, but let me tell you this: I've been pretty chilled up in 201. I hope they can get it regulated so we are not frozen in place for the whole year. It gets cold enough up there in the winter, but this was uncomfortable, even with a sweater. What to wear now? I am eternally puzzled.

It's not any warmer in my house, too. I am hesitant to turn on the heat; instead, I grab a blanket. The forecast was initially for warm and sunny for the next several days, almost enough to give me hope about the pool-- alas, the updated forecast is not so bright. In fact, rain/showers dominate. Gross. I am seriously tired of rain. It's affecting my plans (the few I have), the squashes are not producing, the bees can't forage... this rainforest situation is pretty depressing in a lot of ways. If it gets warmer and the sun comes out, the outlook will be a whole lot better. 

That all said, I have a "day off" today. Yes, I've got things I want to accomplish, but I hope to spend at least some of it doing not one damned thing. What a plan, eh? I need a re-set day. Really need it

Can I possible recharge my very depleted batteries in one day? We are about to find out. I have no school stuff to do. I have groceries to get, but that's minor. And I have a haircut scheduled. We are supposed to go out to dinner with my poet friend. I desperately want to just dwell for a stretch of time. Things have been too stressful for too long, yet again. 

G got not-great news about his foot injury yesterday. The infection (the post-surgery one) is not gone, and now they are scheduling another surgery for next week (y'know, my first week back), and a course of IV antibiotics. It's defeating. We move forward, incrementally, but the whole situation is wearing on him badly, and it's really hard to keep a positive outlook. Prayers, please. This whole ordeal has been a trial. Things could be worse, but really, when people say that, it really undercuts the suckiness of the existing issue as it stands. And it truly sucks. 

So let's hope for a sunny and warm spell. It would go a long way towards improving mental health. The news about the DNC remains hope-filled; I hope it's not all political cotton candy. The darkness is a real threat, and frankly, it's scary to think about, especially if one is already spread emotionally and mentally a lot thinner than is sustainable. We had to review the changes to Title IX laws in our PD sessions, and how they run up against the new NH state laws. Poor kids, poor us. This is a crazy time to be in public education. The good stuff: our data shows that we, of all the northern schools, and of all the economically challenged area schools, have shown actual improvement and growth. The high school jumped over 50 data points in one of the measures. I guess we really do small well, as I've said for a long time. 

So take that. As Gov. Walz said, "don't underestimate a public school teacher." We know how to make good things happen with next to no money and support. And I guess that's how we'll manage on the home front, as well. I can do this. I just need a day to catch my breath.



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