HWAET! (well, just a few updates...)

Today, we start the excerpts from Beowulf in the old textbook; the newer text is dismal. The translation is boring and pedestrian. I am hopeful of this new crew of Sophomores; they seem alert and ready to dig into new ideas. The Juniors, with a few exceptions, are all kids I had last year, so we picked up where we left off, for the most part. That's one blessing of being a teacher in a very small school; we know these kids, and we almost "loop" with them.

That all said, G's surgery went well, or so we've been told-- I'm no judge, but he's hopeful that this time, along with the daily IV antibiotics infusions (yes, back and forth every day for the next few weeks), will put him back to rights. I sure hope so. 

That said, I am moderately hopeful that we can find a rhythm for our days, one that is a lot less chaotic. I see there's a fall festival planned for the end of October here at the park- maybe we can go. I have not fully given up hope on seeing one play at the theatre, too. We'll see. 

In the meantime, it's damp and warm outside. I saw that the fall forecast is for just that; warm and rainy. I have some hope for the squashes, then. We'll keep an eye on it. And I'll have to bring my houseplant in from the deck in a bit-- it's flourishing, and I hate to cut its vacation short. All things --and people-- must shift to survive, right?

That said, this blog post is a short one again-- my computer has died four times during the writing of it. The new one is supposed to come today. I sure hope so. 

Have a safe and wonderful day, and I hope to produce better things for you to read as soon as I have a reliable computer!



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