On hope, bears, and being ready for whatever comes...

I am fully enjoying reading Heather Cox Richardson's reports from the DNC, and the news clips are full of hope as well. I am too much of a worrywart to get excited, but I feel like I can breathe a little. But still, but still...right? 

That said, the damned bear has been back a few times. Last night, I'd just fallen asleep after a super long day with cold and dreary weather and a chilly classroom, when the car alarm went off. Meg's husband had hit it to scare the bear off (it worked), as she was due in from work and he really didn't want to see her have to take on a 300lb bear after working a 12 hour shift. (I personally think that Meg would have easily won that argument, but then, I may be biased.) Suffice it to say, though, I had a hard time getting back to sleep for a while, and it was stressful dreams. But then I woke up again around 1:30, used the bathroom, and returned to bed to fall asleep with no stress dreams. Amen. I got some actual sleep, and the alarm actually woke me up this morning. 

Today is another PD day, this time with two staff meetings sandwiching some classroom prep. I stayed all day yesterday, right through til 6pm, so my setting up of things and hanging up of things is done. Today, I will turn my attention to the field trip I've got planned for all students in grades 8-12 (what was I thinking??) that is scheduled for Sept. 27th. I need to get that fully figured out asap, so we can send home permission slips and all that hoorah. We're going to the Weathervane Theatre to see a professional cast perform Romeo and Juliet. Not my favorite Shakespeare play, but seeing it live will make it amazing. 

I might spend a bit of time figuring out some due dates, too; I built those Google classrooms a few weeks ago, but I intentionally did not put due dates in. I may just leave it until I see just how fast I can push these new kids... if they are on the ball, we'll go along at a decent pace. But if they are derpy, then who knows? It's always a dice roll. 

At any rate, I'm almost ready. Well, as ready as I ever am. I even made copies yesterday. It seems odd to not be forgetting stuff, and likely I may well be. But we will get through the first few days next week, then have a four day weekend to catch our breath and regroup as necessary. 

Have a good one,



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