...I feel the time ticking by. My brain won't shut up, either.

No bear news, I'm happy to say. 

And no rain, yet (though the forecast has rain in it).

I hope to do more mowing today, after this fog lifts (both mine and the actual lingering greyness outside).

After church, I'll grab a quick breakfast, and then, if the weather is permitting, I'll tackle some mowing. Likely, it'll have to wait 'til the afternoon, but we can hope. If I can't get outside early, then I will read. I am feeling the pressure of not having spent the time I need in order to begin writing cogently about the first of two books on my desk. Mental scramble, coupled with a lack of time to focus, with a soupcon of anxiety and worry-- yeah, that summer project went by the wayside. I have "promises to keep" and I will buckle down and do it. 

It's hard to grasp that I'm back to work on Wednesday. Granted, it's pre-term professional development (okay, iffy breakfast with bad coffee, a speaker, a lot of requisite clapping), and then reorganizing and rediscovering my classroom. Then, something new this year: Open House will happen before we get students. I love it. No parent will be able to ask "how's Doopy doing this year?" because that's never the point of Open House. Instead, they can see the classrooms, gawk at the renovations to the roof, and meet teachers if they haven't already. One hour. I suspect I will see no one. I usually don't, unless they are people with whom I have become friendly (or former students who are now parents of students). The evening will be capped off by a performance from the Patchwork Players, the intern-led group from Weathervane Theatre. That should be fun. I probably won't stay for it, but I might. We'll see. 

So: recap...

Today, mowing and reading. Or reading and mowing. Sorry to miss the church picnic, but there's only so many non-rainy hours.

Tomorrow: more mowing, likely. Or not.

Tuesday: a meeting in the morning, then spending some time with Meg. I hope. Every time we make plans, they fall through, but maybe this time they won't. And Tuesday evening, I have dinner plans with a poet-friend! 

Then, it's back to school-time, with all the things that must be done. I actually woke up this morning with a classroom-preparation to-do list rambling through my head before my eyes were even open. Ugh.

I hope you have a restful day.



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