The pool won round one, but I will prevail...and other chores to do... 'bye, summer.

It's a dark and chilly start to the day, and I'm grateful for coffee. Yesterday, as I was disassembling the pool, I caught my foot in some tall grass and then hit the ground pretty hard. Full-on face plant into mud (hullo, bugs). Twisted my ankle and knee a bit, hit my elbow...yeah, I'm a bit sore, and I had trouble getting up (and there was no one around to help me). Ah, graceful. I'll mend, but the stiff neck is a downer for sure. That said, I hope to finish putting it away today, assuming it dries well.  Yesterday's incident just underscores that I'm not as young and able as I used to be, and it's humiliating in a lot of ways. The halcyon days of high summer are long gone, and we have chill and heavy dew, fog and crickets instead.

A squeeing catbird is complaining, right outside my living room window. It's reminding me that soon, very soon, the A/C units must come out and be put away. I'll need some help with that; I can't lift them out of the windows. G is on full restrictions again, because his toe needs to heal. I mean, it really needs to-- the danger of losing it altogether is still hovering in the air. It's frustrating for him, and really defeating in a lot of ways. 

Meg and I have a tentative plan to clean the woodshed in two weeks, so we can move some of the wood pellets under better shelter. The fall chores are upon us, and it's just us. Yes, some folks have made some noises about helping here and there, and I appreciate that, but the practical matters of when things get done are largely weather-dependent, and so putting together a "work party" is a bit tricky. Next up, apples and pears, more garden harvesting, and so on. Today, and the next few days, are expected to be seasonal, and yes, there's a bit of rain in the forecast, so I will do what I can. That's all I can manage. 

And one thing I can do is bake some sourdough bread. It will likely be tomorrow, since I have to finish the pool thing today, and I need to get groceries. Holly and I will make the bread, and will make a banana bread as well. I promise baked goods for my school's sports teams for wins-- and the soccer girls won their season opener on the road, 8-0! One of my sophomores scored 5 of the 8 goals. That feels like a chocolate chip banana bread to me. 

So, after I drink my coffee and get some clothes on, I'll finish making my grocery list, have some breakfast, and get on with things. I am tired, no lie, and I want to accomplish my chores before 1pm. Holly will be coming then, and G will be heading out to his daily IV antibiotic infusion. I'm hoping for a nap, but I'd settle for some quiet time. 

Have a good Saturday,



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