A heart-felt message-- quite literally--
You know how it is said that "it takes a village" to raise a child, or to confront a difficult situation? It does. And I, and my little family, are so grateful for the villages we are a part of-- both in the physical sense and in the digital. It is humbling to know how many people care. We've always strived to be of use, to help when we can, with whatever time, talent, or treasure we have. God has a way of making sure we are seen when bad things happen, and we have to trust and pray that things work out. That said, asking for help is not in my nature, but this situation is larger than we can handle. My son-in-law is waiting now for a heart. He is in the hospital three hours away, and my daughter is trying to manage all of this, financially, physically, and emotionally. There's Holly to consider as well; she misses her daddy, and she is a busy little two year old. We are circling our wagons. Geoff and I are doing what we can, but, as I said, this is a big task, and he...