The circus in New York--

The Former Guy's ego was on full display yesterday in court. How embarrassing it [should] be to have the judge ask your lawyers to get you under control. There were no cameras to perform for, just media coverage, but still, TFG plainly stated that he hoped that the public was watching. 

And unfortunately, I guess we were. Kind of like slowing by an accident, curious but grossed out, too. 

Apparently, his entire political schtick boils down to this

"I became president because of my brand."

At another point, he argued about the higher and lower valuation of his properties, because, referencing a photo, it should be clear from the look of the building (Trump Tower), it ought to be valued much higher. A real estate mogul values properties on their looks? Why not? He did so with his several wives. His employees. The looks of Air Force One. And so on...

How shallow.

And by that, I mean his voters, the sycophants, the clingers and wannabes. 

And of course, the bloated ego himself.

I hope we can somehow, as a country, get past this soundbite-seeking scum and get back to being a nation worthy of respect, that values intellect, compassion, and statesmanship.


Have a good day,



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