To shop or not? No, thanks. Keeping stuff to a minimum...

Today, I'm thankful I don't feel the need to go out at insanely early times to march myself into a large store to get discounts. There were years in time past when it was something I looked forward to-- "slam shopping" with Meg and scooping up deals was a sort of sport. Not now. I don't need the hassle, and there is nothing we need so much that I'd immerse myself in that scenario. It doesn't hurt, of course, that "Black Friday" has expanded into months and months of "great deals" and so on. I've almost completed my gift-buying, and it's all been a gradual thing. I'm also not going to overload any of us with unnecessary "stuff." 

I think one reason I've pared down my gifting is having had to deal with clearing out my parents' home when we had to sell it. The accretion of piles of just plain stuff was scary to confront, and I will not do that to my family. I'm not quite Marie Kondo (even she is not as stringent in her methods anymore), but what I have in my home needs to serve a purpose, for the most part. I'm still hoeing out stuff of mine that needs to be donated or disposed of, but there's not a lot of piles and explosion of just "stuff." 

I'm kind of proud of that, given the lineage of stuff-collectors I apparently come from. I'm really good about not keeping old clothes. And broken things, if they are not quickly fixed and returned to use, get pitched. I really hate clutter, too. Part of this aversion to stacks of useless stuff is philosophical: why accrue things that later must go to the landfill? I don't like the idea of being part of the pollution problem. But the other reason, and this one is far more potent, is that I can't stand to be in chaos. I try to manage it when it's temporary (Hurricane Holly and her toys!), but by the end of the day, the mess must be straightened out. I dislike jumbled drawers, shelves, etc. All of that causes me real mental and physical discomfort. To my well-being, disorder is just as difficult to live around as dissonant sounds. 

That all said, I will likely participate in "Small Business Saturday" in a minor way-- I do need a few things at the grocery store, and there are two craft shows I may pop into. I'd rather my money went directly into a local person's pocket, anyhow. 

And today is Plaid Friday as well, so I clearly will be part of the flannel brigade! I do love a good flannel shirt or nightgown. 

Have a good day, and stay warm!



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