Sigh. A whole lotta sigh.

So, it's Friday.

The part to the pellet stove may or may not be the correct fix- jury's still out. It looks like it's still not working right, though.

The dishwasher delivery has been pushed to November 27th-- not one dang bit of help for holiday dishes, and who knows if it'll even come then. 

Disappointments, both of them. What won't disappoint me is the housework, the paper grading, etc. Those are always with us. 

And the cold-- after a couple of days of sunshine and slightly warm temps, we are promised cold weather for the weekend. Cue my real disappointment that the pellet stove may not be operational. 

We found out yesterday, too, that our paychecks will be mailed to us instead of direct-deposited next week-- so, with the holiday, that may be late, too. I can't fathom why, but I'm not a computer/payroll guru.

I feel like I'm pushing a whole lot of string. The GOP, when they figured out that they can't get along and get any work done (surprise?) took off for the holiday break a full week early. We pay them, right? ugh. 

Maybe it's not string, but the whole cartload of shoes dropping?

I hope your day is better than mine has begun.



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