Veterans' Day: Is this what they fought for and protected? I don't think so.

Heather Cox Richardson is a smart, astute professor of history and American politics. She provides an in-depth, fair, and reasoned discussion just about daily to help the rest of us make some sense of the circus in Washington and elsewhere around the country. Last night, her letter rang a bell for me:

"In Washington, Republicans have empowered Christian extremist Mike Johnson (R-LA) to lead the House of Representatives as speaker, and today we learned that outside his office he displays a flag associated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) network that wants to place the United States government under the control of right-wing Christians. On January 6, 2021, rioters took these flags with them into the U.S. Capitol.

Johnson is also associated with a right-wing movement to call a convention of states to rewrite the Constitution" (Richardson).

That is a disturbing idea: placing the United States under a rigid version of Christian government. Even the staunchest Catholic would not be safe-- this would be, in effect, a religious autocracy. And to rewrite the Constitution to reflect this world view would be the absolute end of the United States as we know it. 

I'm not a fool; I can see where this is headed. I don't want to live in a tidal wave of history that would remake the way the world operates. While change is a necessary thing, and we should be able to shift with current needs, this ideology is not a sustaining or sustainable response to global problems. It may, in fact, hasten the end. Maybe that is what they want? I'm not ready for Rapture, thanks. I'm damned sure that this is not the vision of the country or the world that our veterans fought and died for. Among all the Veterans' Day sales and events, the poppies and flags, maybe we should be keeping an eye on the forces within our country that would dishonor their efforts and sacrifices by stealing the country and remaking it in a way that few of us would be welcome in.

It's a sobering call to all of us to serve.



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