All Saints--All Souls, and it's cold

November starts with days to pray to the saints and to remember those who have passed through the thin veil and who are waiting to enter heaven.

Or whatever their adjudged fate may be.

My husband rustled up family photos yesterday and created a make-shift sort of ofrenda in the den in the top part of the computer cabinet in there. I may try to find one of those collage frames for him; there's space on the wall for a large photo. 

In church, there's the book of remembrance to write names of the dead to be prayed for; I'll do that this coming weekend. 

They are always with us. Sometimes it's a pleasant memory, or a keep-sake, and other times, it's a memory that triggers annoyance or resentment. I am still working those things out. I started this post today, then copied/saved what I'd written-- it turns out I was writing a prose poem about purgatory. I want to work on it, and so, dear readers, I had to start this post over again. Sometimes, writing is how I work things through. I'll go back to the draft later today.

This Halloween was pretty low-key; Holly looked adorable, but it was super cold out for a wee one in a Minnie Mouse outfit, and her bucket got really full pretty quickly, so her foray into trick or treating was a short one. Not bad, though-- she had fun. We didn't have as many kids as we've had in the past, but there were still almost 80. We have have well over 200 some years. Yes, we keep a tally sheet. It helps with the buying of treats. I'll take some of the leftovers to my students today and break my "no sugar in the classroom" rule.

And so, we transition quickly from warm and golden autumn days to the hustle and shiver of cold temperatures and having to warm up the car. Luckily, Holly and I sorted out the gloves and hats yesterday, so I know where those are. I'll need them today. My classroom is going to be frigid, too. I need my sweaters.

Have a good one,



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