Re-solutions and Here's to a Boring '23, and a Post-Script
I will not be making resolutions for the new year. Instead, I want to really take a deeper look at the word: resolve. Re-solve. Solve again ? That means there are solutions, and they will be called upon over and over. That sounds about right to me, this idea that each day, week, month-- year!--requires that we bring our already-figured-out solutions to each challenge. To acknowledge that we already have skills to use, and solutions that we can depend on, even if we have to tweak them a little, is empowering. No lie, 2022 pushed me to my limits in a lot of ways, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank goodness for the good friends and family members who helped pick me up when I was flattened by stuff that I could not yet solve. But you know what? When we can take a breath and focus on what we have in our toolkit, add to that with advice and help from others, we build new solutions, new schema. Life will likely require that we use these new tools as we move i...