No Elves, but Wise Men--

Today, I move the wise men a little closer to the manger scene. We started married life with a lovely little nativity set started for us by my parents. We had the principal characters, a manger, one camel, and one angel. Now, 35 years later, we have quite a crowd, because we've made it a special practice to add at least one piece per year. We have a lot more barnyard animals, and many villagers from all walks of life (there are a lot of shepherd types, though). For a long time, I placed the wise men in the scene from the start of Advent, but then, a couple of years ago I chose to do differently. Partly due to a conversation I had with my friend Ruth, but also in reaction to the huge "Elf on a Shelf" industry. 

I hate that whole elf thing, I really do. Pesky little prankster, red-clad little snitch. I'm not one to rail on about the commercialization of Christmas (I leave that up to Linus, thank you very much), but that elf thing is so creepy. I read a nice post on Facebook about moving the wise men each Sunday of Advent; this really brings the focus back to the "reason for the season." 

My wise men are right above my desk at the moment; I'll move them around the corner to where they can "see" the manger in the distance. Baby Jesus, not yet born of course, is in waiting in the bookcase. It was always a special practice of ours when Meg was little to have her put Baby Jesus in the manger right after we went to Midnight Mass. I think building traditions like that are important, and I think she does as well. 

Have a great second Sunday of Advent!



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