Creating a House for Happiness to Live In

I wonder why, when the holidays approach, we tend to want to construct a version of our dream-Christmas season? We want snow, and sledding, hot cocoa and crisp walks to find the perfect tree. We need the perfect wrapping paper, the just-right cards, and all of the festive trappings to decorate our otherwise pretty mundane daily lives. The manger is set up and the wreath is on the door, come hell or high water.

I used to choose a color theme for each year and make sure the paper, the bows, even the candles on the table coordinated. Each person had their own wrappings for gifts, and woe to the person who used the wrong paper to wrap other gifts!  Maybe all of this external order helps us deal with the fluster and business that winter and the early darkness brings. We hope to stave off the loneliness and seasonal depression with tinsel and gingerbread.

Christmas is my favorite holiday, for many reasons. It's not really about the glittery parts, and it's not completely all about the glossy nostalgia, some of which comes from Dickens and some from Alcott. It's about faith, family, and traditions. The world is a turbulent place, and I think we all need something to hold onto, even if it's too tightly at times. We need to create a space that reflects our deepest longings, and if it comes with balsam boughs and Hallmark movies, so be it. 

So I'll continue to decorate with twinkle lights, crazy-blinking candy canes on the lawn, and hope.

Here's a carol to hum today...

Keep warm,



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