A Rather Blustery Night...

 Last evening, we discovered that there is a Norway rat in the cellar. We heard a thump and crash, and opened up the door-- the bold rodent scurried off into the darkness. O HELL NO. The war is on. Granted, it was torrential rain all day, and windy weather was making being outdoors a bit unpleasant. But this unwelcome intruder is not going to be long for the world. 

I'm not a violent person by nature, but I draw the line at rats in the basement. Norway rats are pretty large, and relatively sleek and apparently well-fed, at least this one is. We live with a horse barn and paddock conjoining our backyard, so it's no wonder where this critter has been snacking. 

The US Men's Soccer Team plays the Netherlands next in the World Cup. Perhaps this rat is a spy working in their network. It won't find out much here; we are a baseball-hockey-gridiron football kind of family. 

So later today, the large traps will be set. I hope we can dispatch this interloper rather quickly. It is unnerving to have such a beastie in the house.

In the meantime, though, the weather continues to be inclement, and I wish for you a warm and relatively uneventful day. Sometimes "boring" is good.

Take care, 




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