We Need More Santas

Recently, I read a thread on Facebook written by a young friend of mine regarding her angst over how her ten year old is Questioning the Existence of Santa. The conversation was uniformly both helpful with suggestions to help him accept a different understanding of Santa and compassionate for this young mom. She has other smaller children as well, so the discussion focused on preserving the magic as long as possible.

I still believe.

Don't you?

I remember reading "Yes, Virginia" years ago when I was about eight years old, and it's stayed with me ever since. Santa is a feeling of care for one's community, for human-kind, for our environment. So, of course I believe. I *am* Santa, as are you, if you choose to be. 

Yesterday, I heard on NPR that there is a Santa shortage in our country; while the piece meant that there are fewer people willing to put on the suit and hear children's deepest wishes in malls and craft shows, I think that the whole idea that there is a Santa shortage is a truer statement than the writers of the piece intended. We need more Santa-ness, especially right now. Too many kids are living in stressful homes, partly due to financial worries, but also social, communal, health-related, etc. The list of external stressors affecting children and their families --all of us-- is both immediate and persistent. 

So yes, I still believe. It's hard, a lot of the time, but the alternative is unthinkable.

Take care,



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