With Hope

I was just reading about the discovery of 168 more geoglyphs in Peru; these are now part of the World Heritage Site there. These mountain-side images are amazing; I've never seen them in person, but I'm left in awe, thinking about not only the efforts it took to create them, but the whole "why" of it. I think the creation of images like that, in fact, the creation of any art, is a strong vote of confidence about the continuance of the human species. Art is hopeful; even when the art depicts sad or angry imagery, the sheer act of creation is an act of hope. Much like the birth of a baby, or the planting of a tree, hope resides in the fact that something new has been started. 

We don't start something new unless we believe deeply that it will matter. 

These days, hope feels a bit far away some days-- the pandemic, the global climate crisis, so much pain and suffering all around us, makes it very hard to engage in creation. But we are hard-wired to create, aren't we? Even if it's a flower arrangement, or a simple art project with a little one, or a snowman-- what we bring into the world is hope made tangible.

Have a hope-filled day,


Song: "Grown Up Christmas List" ft. Barbara Streisand


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