This American Experiment

The "January 6th Commission" has come to some very serious conclusions, most of which we felt were true, but they have carefully and methodically assembled the evidence in order to present their findings and recommendations to the DOJ. 

Before anyone starts whinnying about how this is "unprecedented" and so on, just stop for a second and think: this is exactly the reason actions must be taken. If this American Tragedy is allowed to stand, then it will be only the first of such tragedies, and therefore will set precedent. This is very dangerous territory. When outlandish or unspeakable things accumulate because a people  does not know what to do about them, then we have even more horrible things to contend with. And that projection is not unprecedented; history is full of power-sucking narcissists who have made millions of people suffer for their pleasure. 

Protecting the American Experiment requires doing the hard things, forging ahead into uncharted territory. Anything less is both cowardice and short-sighted. Too many people's lives and safety depend on not descending into madness of the sort that will be the result if the Rule of Law (and not the "flexible" sort that seems to be the latest "conservative" trend) is not followed. That is the underpinning to all we say we believe in, secularly, in this country.

Okay, I promise I'll go back to musing about Christmas carols soon. 



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