Writing, literature, and a nodding acquaintance with the texts I love--
I got back on the writing-a-draft-a-day bandwagon yesterday; granted, pushing out two drafts in quick succession is not comfortable, and I know that one of the two is dreck, but writing them serves as a type of bookmark for me to come back to, the images and ideas are there for me to revisit and work with/through, if I choose. What's puzzling me is how I've turned to the computer instead of pencil and paper for creation. I used to draft by hand, only, and now I seem to be able to ramble on with ease on the computer. I'm curious when this shift happened, and how, if at all, it has changed or informed my work. I am paranoid that one day this computer will finally crap out, and I'll have lost it all. I should print everything, and probably will, but not this minute. Ink is expensive. Maybe I'll put it all on that fancy new external storage device of mine and print it elsewhere. I'm not going to be one of the minor poets in this country where anyone wants my "...