Taking the day as it comes-- maybe an adventure? Definitely sunshine!

Ahh, "Pink Moon," you've chilled us. Eighteen degrees? gah. I'm so glad that the fruit trees are only starting to leaf out, and we haven't lost another crop. (yet) The sun is out, and it'll warm up, so that's all good by me.

Today, I hope to take the day away from chores, at least most of them. As Holly would put it, we are going on an "adventure," and I won't jinx it by talking too much about it. I'll report in tomorrow. That said, tomorrow is Friday, and I've got a hair cut scheduled, and I plan to do some outdoor stuff. The weather dude says it'll be nice-- I see mid-50s and sunny-- so that'll be good. I also plan to go out for dinner, so that will be good, too. 

Saturday and Sunday, we'll be somewhat back to schedule. I'll do the house chores, I'll fret about school stuff, and in general, gird myself for the final push. My dad always used to say "don't wish your life away" but I will admit that having some unstructured (sort of) time this week has me itching for summer. I like not rushing in the morning, I like having a list of things to do and getting them done without panic, I enjoy immensely the ability to pause in between things with no guilt. I can't afford to retire anytime soon (if ever), but I sure do like not hustling to get to the next thing on the list. 

So today, no list. My new living room curtains are supposed to arrive today, and I may or may not get them put up. It would take less than ten minutes to do so, and would make me happy, so it might just happen. Or not. Whichever. I'm just glad they are on the way. 

And I should be, as well. Have a good one!



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