Spring sprang!

What a great day yesterday was! Sunshine by the gallons! 

We got a lot of outside stuff done: I put up some new solar lights, picked up the trash around the yard (there will be more to do, but I got a good lot of it), and G cleaned up a pile o' stuff. AND he cleared out and moved the beeyard! He has all new hive boxes to put in it once it's all set; we decided to put garden cloth under the edges to keep weeds down, but we have to get a roll. That, and I ordered some new motion-sensor lights to put around it as well. His backyard apiary operation is essentially set up in a 7 foot dog run cage, so it's imperative to keep the weeds to a minimum. It'll be nice-- we cleared up the old spot, and there's room to put in another tree. I'm thinking a dwarf crabapple, which will help with pollination and will be pretty to look at as well. And he wants to put in a few hills of hard-shell squash and/or pumpkins. I wanted to go with more raspberry bushes, but I think the tree will be nice. 

Speaking of raspberries, the ones I planted over the last several years seem to have finally begun to spread out! Yay! And the new blueberry bushes look like they made it, too. For a tiny in-town lot, we certainly do make use of our space. G checked on the grapevine, too; no signs of greening yet, but I suspect it will. That will require a much better support system than we rigged up last year. And the rhubarb is up! Maybe enough to make a pie next weekend! 

Meg swept part of the driveway, too; Holly got to use sidewalk chalk for the first time. That was a lot of fun. She loves being outside, and essentially had to be hog-tied to get her to go in the house at dinner time. She was having a good day running between her outside toys and following Papa around. 

Like I said, a really great day. I even got a little sun-kissed, and my face feels it. We went to IFB for dinner and it was truly welcome: cold beer, pretzels and cheese, then we split a pepperoni pizza. We were home before 6:30, and snoozing in our chairs by 7:30-- not bad at all. 

I'll prune roses maybe next Sunday-- we'll see what goes on with the weather. And G's new bees arrive next Sunday as well! We have a good plan for the rest: what to prune, how much soil to get to redo the raised beds, etc. 

Feels good. Today, though, I plan on resting and baking with Holly. Work on Monday...



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