Short blast-- disgusted with some members of Congress

Short note today.

In Congress yesterday, Marjorie Taylor Greene showed just what a horse's patoot she is. Among many other ridiculous amendments she proposed, regarding funding to aid Ukraine, she suggested that any member of Congress who voted in the affirmative should be conscripted into the Ukrainian military. 

One Democratic House Member countered that idea (and the other stupid suggestions she made) with the proposal that MTG be appointed Putin's special envoy to Congress. Of course, it was meant sarcastically, but what a mess. 

This is too much. Not one darn thing of any real use is getting done. And now, they are on recess again.

This has gone on far too long; we have a vested interest (economically, geopolitically, morally) in countering the measures of dictators around the globe. It's annoying at the very least that we have people in our own government who would like to see the world crumble--and for what? I never liked kids who intentionally smash other children's sand castles, either. Another of MTG's suggestions was to limit various peoples' use of their native language (ex. those living in TransCarpathia). She is a dangerous person. Suggesting that oppression and genocide is a good plan is the mark of a sick human, one who is definitely not representing what we say we believe to be our core values. 

Out she goes. And she can take all those other strongman-sycophants with her.



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