28 drafts... and then, the fun starts!

Well, my goal of writing one poem draft a day for the entire month of April fell off yesterday. That said, I have 28 new drafts (most are just blurts) to work with. I'm pretty satisfied with that. Our monthly writing group met yesterday, just a handful of us, and I tossed two of those drafts to the group for input. They were both well received; that counts as engaging with writing in my mind. I appreciate the discipline of writing one a day, and I'm looking forward to revising and poking and prodding the drafts now.

That all said, I also sent out some work this week, and already got two poems accepted. Those were "homeless" poems of mine, things that I've sent out, that have been declined, then have moldered away in a file for a bit. Most poems will find a home, if they are any good at all, I figure; you just have to find the right one.

So today, I'm back to work. I'm okay with it; not excited, as I know that this stretch can be a bit muddled. But today --today!-- I am starting the Romantic Poets with Brit Lit, and I'm working with Wallace Stevens' "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" with the Am Lit crew-- not a bad way to ease back in. 

Speaking of the Romantics, I generally avoid Wordsworth's daffodil poem. I don't know why, but it might have something to do with the really tired image of "I wandered lonely as a cloud"-- my mind always went to "clod" and that kind of ruined the poem for me. But today, with the last of my daffies bobbing along in the wet grass, I think I might re-engage with it. I think I'll pair it with my friend Dawn's poem that has daffodils in it. That will be fun. Maybe I'll even have the unsuspecting kids write one. 

I'll let you know...



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