Why I'm Not Ready to "Go Back" Yet--
Yesterday after church, a friend asked me if I am all ready to "go back"--he meant, to work, to school-- I replied, "bite your tongue! I have another month!" He laughed. I didn't. Far too many people don't understand what "summer break" means to most teachers. My mind is never that far away from what I will need to be doing; think of it as pre-planning. We don't just shut that off and fluff about all summer. I'm constantly reading, thinking, researching, etc. After this many years, I did front-load a little-- the syllabi for each of my fall classes are both done, and will only require a little minor tweaking. I still have to build the Google classrooms-- my online presence for my classes that helps keep me on track and gives the students a place to go to when they need to know what they may have missed or what is coming next. Yes, we survived quite nicely without those for a long time, but once we pivoted to the online platform exclusively ...