Musings about the weather and writing and so on

We had quite a light show with heavy rain and thunder last night-- more of this terrible, unsettled weather pattern that is beating northern New England (and apparently, Montreal) to smithereens. I was duly impressed that my lawn furniture is still upright and the pool cover stayed on. 

I finished the book I mentioned yesterday, and now I'm casting about for something else, something entirely fiction, well-written and not too mentally challenging. Yeah, a big request. I have two Grisham novels I have not yet read, so likely it'll be one of those. 

I have not written anything of real worth in weeks; that's nothing really new for me, but it's still annoying. I have a few ideas, but mostly they are repeats of the same ol' story that I have been working through. No one wants to read poems that are truly just therapeutic blurts. I don't even really want to, let alone write them. That said, my online writing group starts up again on Sunday, so maybe I'll get something to work on from that. I did receive a lovely little journal in the mail yesterday in which I have a poem, and I got an email yesterday that informed me of the issue that a poem of mine will appear in (next April). So that's something.

Summer is rocketing by, and I have been stuck in some sort of doldrums for a while. There's been precious little "good" weather to enjoy, and I'm tired of the damp. And Sunday's forecast is for the next round of really wet weather. 

Maybe it's not doldrums; maybe it's swimming upstream. Certainly, it feels like there's been enough water to swim anywhere and everywhere. Perhaps a change of scenery will help. Meg, Holly, and I are planning to head out of town for a few hours-- let's see how we do. =) It'll be the first time I've been to Tilton since the fall before Covid hit.

Have a good day,



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