Florida's History Curriculum is Child Abuse

It's Sunday, and I don't feel like railing on about the state of bullshit curriculum in Florida. Again. Except, to only point out that to teach the approved warped view of US History, and especially about the enslavement of other humans as being to their BENEFIT, is going to plant seeds of yet more horror and division in this country. No mention of violence and rape, no mention of kidnapping and selling humans. Just...they learned trades. (As if they didn't already know how to do things?)

My heart hurts. Can you imagine being a child of color in school and learning this? Being forced to accept it, and then tested on it? Made to repeat lies about your own past in order to pass classes?

Abusive. That's what the curriculum in Florida is; child abuse. 

There's other errors, omissions, and mis-steps (okay, lies) in the approved curriculum as well. It is rife with whataboutisms and garbage, white-supremacist "dogma." It doesn't bode well for the rest of the country, and for our future as a human community, if this is allowed to go on. And it will be allowed, and believed, and perpetrated upon students for generations. Too many people might just have to question where their privilege comes from, and they don't want to lose that sense of superiority. 

Pray for us, if you've a mind to. And on a practical level, do not accept this as something that will just run its course. It won't go away. We need to expose the lies, be loud and persistent, and we have to figure out how to stop it: vote, protest, shout, disseminate books? Ideas are welcome.

I'm tired.

Hope for better days, and work for change.



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