Am I getting old?

I'm getting old. 

We're watching the morning news, and they just announced that one of morning anchors is moving up; he will be the new executive producer for the news. He's younger than my own daughter who was his RA at college. And our parish priest is also two years younger than my daughter. So, I guess it's happened: I'm old. Everyone on the TV news looks twelve. 

I know that I was once a young and starry-eyed (well, I doubt I was ever starry-eyed) professional. At the first parents' night at school, I had a parent tell me that they had sweaters older than me. I wanted to snap back with a suggestion that they go shopping. And my principal is a former student of mine, and not from the first few years, either. 

Some days, I feel like I have years and years stretching ahead of me, with all of the mental inquisitiveness and energy just bubbling forth. Most days, no. Most days, I feel like I'm wandering around, figuring out what I'm supposed to do next, and whether I'll be any good at it, whatever it may be.

I'm not a complete luddite; I embrace technology when it's useful to me (like this blog, though I've been informed lately that blogs are old-school--!). But yesterday afternoon, we had a strange gift. I thought it was a gift; for many working folks and businesses, it was a near-crisis. We lost all internet, cable, and telephone when there was a major oops in a town nearby. Poles down, main line severed. Guess what? The sun was out, the pool beckoned, and if needed, I could get the ballgame on the radio. Old schooling all the way.

The skills needed to get along in the world include both "old school" (write a check, carry and use cash, talk to people face to face) and a willing engagement with the newest tech. The skills also include welcoming and sometimes mentoring new faces in work places. They have enthusiasm, and we have experience. The combination should be synergistic, not combative. Some things should stay the same, but not all of them. 

In the meantime, though, I still have a cup of pens and pencils on my desk. I can cook from scratch. And I love a physical book in my hands, on the deck, with a cool drink. I can function when the lights go out, when the 'net goes down, and I think we'd all be better for it if we slow down a little. 

So I guess I'm not complaining. I'm just enjoying the flow.

Have a good day,



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