Garden bounty and simple gifts--
SO MUCH SAUCE. How was my weekend? Fruity. Saucy. And that does not describe my grand-daughter or any of the other folks I've had around me. OK, bad jokes aside, I polished off those three (!) wash-baskets of apples and pears. One large slow-cooker apple crisp (yummy), spiced with a special blend of baking spices that Meg found at the Old North Church gift shop in Boston: it is purported to be the particular favorite of Abigail Adams. I concur; it is lovely. And then I got peeling and dicing, stewing and then stowing, and we ended up with sixteen pints of various incarnations of apple and pear sauces. These joined the ones I put in the freezer last weekend. We will not have scurvy, anyhow. And there's still more cooking and freezing to do... I ran out of oomph. The next project involves herbed butter, and that really does not take a lot of time, other than the prepping of the herbs. I'll cut those probably Tuesday, and see what I can do about getting that done. I have the...