Updates: work, cars, and reading-- quite a mix, eh?

Well, G can go back to work, as early as next week... with restrictions, and only for half-days. But it's a monumental step for him. Now we have to figure out the details of all that; the paperwork for the short term disability folks (they may still help with the gap in income), and the required this and that to get him back on the books. In the meantime, we will stay the course and he'll keep working like hell to continue to heal. We ordered one of those knee scooters for him, because that was one of the conditions of return. Let's hope it all goes smoothly.

Speaking of smoothly, the wrinkles in my field trip situation have been ironed out, and we'll proceed, but on a different day. So, 90 or so of us from my school will be going to Weathervane Theatre to see a modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet on Tuesday. That's pretty cool. And a huge undertaking, with all the associate headaches. But I'm moderately excited; our kids don't get to do "big things" very often, so it'll be a nice change of pace for them. And for the adults, too... I have not been to the theatre in two years. I miss it.

And of other things that are in the gray area, G has a car appointment today to get his exhaust fixed. I sure hope it's not a hugely expensive deal, because honestly, we've bled money for months and yeah, we need to stop that out-go as much as possible until we know what work/supplemental income looks like. But he has to get it fixed (it is LOUD), and no one wants to be stopped while driving it. That would be one more annoyance and cost. 

The weather continues to be balmy, which is fine by me-- I don't have to turn on the heat. And the vegetable garden is waning fast, but there are still things to pick and process. I didn't get to make the tomato sauce the other day, so that's still on the to-do list. And so are a lot of other things-- I'm one person, and frankly, I can't keep up in the way I'd like to. But no one is judging me except me.

The weekend is in sniffing distance, so I'll see what I can get done then. I know I want to make a beef stew and bake bread. There will be papers to grade. And we'll be babysitting, so there will be lots of little distractions-- all good, no worries. I keep looking at the deck longingly-- soon enough, it'll be time to put those comfy chairs away, and I'll have missed my chance. I wish I had time. I'll keep trying to find the time. I just want to sit and read uninterrupted for an hour or so. 

Speaking of reading, there was an article in the paper today about how high school kids are not reading as much as they used to, based on a report from the NCTE. Well, duh. There are reasons given, and I have seen the same trends that they decry even in my own school. But not in my classroom, thank you very much. And I'm dang proud of that. It seems my insistence on being a dinosaur is the right thing to do, after all. Hm. Go figure. 

Time to get ready for work. I hope your day is wonderful.



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