Musings on the decrepitude and deception...Citizen Kane and Joe McCarthy, coming to you live...

Saturday, and it's been a pretty busy week with a lot of stressful ugh-ness. That said, we made it! The field trip is, I think, fully figured out. G is in the process of figuring out how work will go forward, but at least he can, part-time for now. And so, I'm facing a pile of apples and pears, tomatoes and laundry to sort and deal with. Ah, huswifery. 

I'll hie me off to the grocery this morning, and then hunker down and get things prepped and cooking. I have a beef stew in mind, but I forgot to defrost the stew beef. It might become tomorrow's fare, instead. Which would be fine, given I will be using pretty much all of the burners on the stove anyhow. Tomorrow's idea is baking bread, so maybe stew and fresh sourdough bread works. In the meantime, I'll ponder on what to do about dinner. Not a huge feat, given I'm headed out to purchase foodstuffs, so we'll see what looks good. Maybe chicken. 

Yes, I've been avoiding talking about the media...but I feel compelled to note that the Lt. Governor of N. Carolina is a scary dude. His statements on social media, his sicko predilections, and his overt statements of violence are all immensely worrisome, especially in the light of the fact that the Speaker of the House thinks he's a great guy. And he's running for office in N. Carolina again, so we'll likely be burdened with his foul tripe even more. 

So why does this bother me in northern New Hampshire, you might ask. It's because people are literally approving of this kind of disgusting behavior and thinking that a person like that is fit to lead. There are so many cretinous humans in positions of power and authority, and that is one of the reasons that I have scary dreams. Rational, compassionate people have a lot to fear right now. 

And speaking of fear, o, the poor residents in Springfield, Ohio. What a mess. To make up such damaging lies out of thin air, then to keep pushing that hateful narrative, regardless of the danger created... well, let's be honest, it really looks like the danger to legal immigrants and to the people who have welcomed them into their town is exactly what JD Vance et al are hoping to foment. They want to stir up an "immigrant situation," and since there was none, they created one. This reminds me of the way that Randolph Hearst was instrumental in creating the tension that erupted into the Spanish-American War. Or McCarthy, slinging "communist!" around like so much excrement, knowing that even if it was not truthful, it would still stick and smell. More and more, Trump reminds me of the fictional character Citizen Kane, as seen in the classic movie of the same name. All we need now is the screeching monkeys. I wonder what his Rosebud really is?

As for me, I'll just try to readjust my blinders a bit more. I have little hope that things will turn out well in November, but I'll keep trying. 

Have a good day,



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