"Season of mellow fruitfulness" and all that...lots of fruit, actually.

After I did the errands/grocery-getting yesterday morning, I spent the larger part of the day processing produce. I cut up a whole bunch of tomatoes, and simmered them down with shallot, garlic, fresh basil, a small yellow squash, and about a glass-worth of red wine. After it was reduced down to tomatoey goodness, I added tomato paste and s/p. Thus, three 3-cup containers are going in the freezer today. While that was cooking, I cut up a whole basket of pears and added some apples-- all ours-- and made two batches of spiced apple-pear sauce, lightly sweetened (a glug worth) of locally-produced maple syrup. Most of that is headed for the freezer as well. Today, if all goes well, I'll be baking sourdough bread, banana bread, and making the apple-crabbie sauce. 

How domestic, eh?

I am not a person who does a lot of "putting by" but this year, I have managed to freeze green beans and cherries, and now all this. I'll count it as a win. I need to take stock of what is in the bigger freezer, actually-- I try to keep a list on the fridge, but it gets confused. And I have so many ham bones in there, I may as well toss most of that. I'll probably keep one, but we'll see. I know there are hams and turkeys in the freezer. But the disparate bits of things-- yeah, I need to see to those. I had great plans to make strawberry jam a few months ago, but I didn't get/make the time. Some things just have to slide a bit.

I'll be grading papers today, and we are Holly-watching. Poor bean was not feeling well yesterday, so she stayed home-- better to be where her toys are and where her bed is at, just in case she wanted to sleep.

No football for me today; the Pats stunk up the Meadowlands last Thursday, so they are licking their wounds today. And the Sox have a double header-- maybe I'll check on those, but probably not. Holly will want command of the television, and she is not yet a fan of televised sports.

That all said, it's dark. It's chilly. And it's autumn. "Season of mellow fruitfulness," indeed. 

Have a good day,



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