My 6-day Journey Back to Words
Wow, what a 6-day stretch of words, words, words! And hugs, and tears, and new ideas, and new friends, and--yeah, it was amazing. I took yesterday afternoon to drift back into my "real life"-- but then, poetry is part of my life, and it needs to weave itself back in. For quite a while, I've been living life in separate cubicles, mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even physically. Too regimented, too fragmented, too fractured. I'll take today to wander through my house and set things to rights, too-- a messy house distracts me. On Wednesday, we were somewhat playfully instructed to write an oath that we'd keep for the last day and a half of the conference, and I'm going to keep mine. I think I'll revise it a little: To live intentionally; to honor my talent and my craft and to engage with them without limits. One thing that did surprise me this week about my own work is that I didn't immediately slip into the facile world of silly rhymes. This is som...