What? Not raining? A week?
Week One of Summer Break:
It's been raining almost daily for over two weeks. Everything is green, but soggy. We are expected to have some actual sunny-ish days this week, so I suspect that the tardy garden will sprout up a bit. The only thing doing well at the moment is my green beans, and they need a neem oil treatment-- even in the wet, bugs have found the tender leaves.
What else? Hm. Housework, but that's a constant. Getting a mani-pedi on Thursday (it is a necessary thing, not just for show--). I already got a hair cut on Saturday. I liken this time of year to getting the car tuned up and oil changed-- we put off our personal maintenance a little longer than we should, and when summer hits, we notice that we've rather gotten a bit shabby and need a little tending.
At any rate, it'll be nice. I will get some fresh strawberries at 4 Corners, too. It's time. I don't think I'll pick them --I'm not in a place to deal with processing a whole flat of berries, time-wise. But I do love fresh, fat, sweet/tart berries.
My yearly poetry conference starts next Saturday, and I am really happy it's in person again. Three years of zoom were safer, but I miss my friends. It'll be a little streamlined, but change is good, too.
I've been pondering this morning about why I seem to be drawn to poetry. I love to read just about anything, but why do I write poems? And why do I care so damned much if they find homes in the wide world? What need is this filling, and why is there a hole in the first place? That's a lot of questions before I've had my first cup of coffee. I have no answers; it just seems to suit me and my often-introspective mood.
Great. I'm an ageing emo kid.
Have a good day, and let's pray for some sun!
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