Prose and Memory

Well, look at me, prosing myself silly lately. The writing prompt for this part of our conference is forcing me to engage in some really imaginative stuff, and to combine it with some of my more familiar experiences. We are on a subway in the Underworld, and there are stops along the way. We've started at the river Styx, and had to get off the train at Lethe due to track repairs, and we get back on in Mnemosyne. 

Forgetfulness and Memory...

What will likely happen is that this long, involved prose narrative could be transformed into a long poem. Or a series of linked short ones. It's borrowing from the familiar mythology of Greek/Roman invention, but it is asking us to take that and go with whatever our imaginations want to say.

Exhausting work, but really interesting. For the first time in forever, I woke up this morning thinking of where my narrative is headed next, and how I'm going to get my main character (a persona of me) back home again. And isn't that what I've been wrestling with for over a year in my poetry? Maybe if I can engage this strategy deeply enough, I can lay those Shades to rest.

Have a good day,



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