Time to create a new chapbook? idk...
I was talking with my poet-friend Teresa last night about my little chapbook, and how, although I think it's pretty seamless, maybe it's "too quiet." I don't know, but it took a lot of emotional energy and introspection to put that little book together, and it's not going anywhere at this point. It's a little disheartening. As we talked, I started thinking about what else I could put together, something that tells a story. I have a lot of poems to pull from, and maybe I can put a "sharper" or more energetic/challenging chapbook together. There's nothing saying I have to get rid of my other one, just develop a new one and see what may come from it.
Just not today. I'm already a little pre-tired, although I slept well. Day Two of the conference starts promptly at 8am, with me dictating today's poem.
I'd better get on with the coffee/shower/food thing.
Have a good day,
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