and now, the political rip-tide...
The news cycle swirls on, and we, on our tiny "skiff made of paper," are sucked onward between Scylla and Charybdis. John Hancock knew the dangers of disruption, and the American public --and the world-- are caught up in a tempest as well. Trump has been indicted in New York. We wait for news from the other cases, most notably (in my mind) the one coming out of Georgia. One person, even this bloated media-hungry carbuncle, is not the entire story of what is wrong in our country, but he is the self-selected figurehead of much of our political unrest. I am tired of games. We cannot hope to move forward to tackle the difficulties ahead that form a real existential crisis without removing the distractions. And he is a full-on distraction. The fact that the GOP is rallying around him in order to insulate him and their repressive/regressive posturing on all things that affect human existence is despicable. We should be adult enough to be able to discuss and negotiate, but to cling...