Dreams of fuchsia maharajah jackets danced in my head...ugh

Another night of weird stress-dreams. Why is it, I wonder in my waking moments, I am always in charge of whatever chaos is erupting? At least this time, it was not school-related. Instead, there was a major event, some sort of reception, and my family and extended family were involved-- and being really hard to work with and around. The food was a mess, too-- fondant peeling off cookies, brownies that were burnt and flat, and the caterer would not listen or fix things. The oddest thing? My husband had ordered a strange maharajah-style jacket that was hot fuchsia and black, and clearly a size or two too large-- it was hideous, and I recall telling him in my dream it looked like a bathrobe. To which statement, of course, he got angry and quite put out when I told him he needed to at least send it back and order the right size.


It all seems rather comical in the half-light of morning with my coffee beside me, but believe me, that was no joke of a dream. It was one of those that, even if you wake up, once you go back to sleep, you are right back in it.

So what am I supposed to be learning from this hot mess? Who knows. All I want is to sleep peacefully, and instead, I get event disaster. 

All of this, obviously, does not hold a candle to the dumpster fire our country and world seem to be determined to be. Maybe that's what my dreams are telling me: I'm not in charge, but I tend to feel like I need to be doing something to control social messes. 

I hope you have a restful day. I need a nap. 



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