More snow in the forecast--I want spring!

Another week, another snow storm predicted. I don't know that I'll ever get used to this shift in the seasons, when we have mild Novembers and snowy Marches. It's time for softball, baseball, and planting things, isn't it? When I was quite young, and living in Rhode Island, the "wisdom" was planting peas on St. Patrick's day. Yeah. Not happening this year, not here. While we have had some gloriously warm teases of days like yesterday (50 and melting!), it's not over yet. I don't have any plans to take off the winter tires from my car until the end of April. 

Spring's coming, but seriously, not soon enough for me. I don't even mind the mud so much; I'm tired of slogging around in boots and heavy coats and gloves. I did see a second crocus yesterday, so that's reason enough to believe the the soil is warming, even if it is in spotty areas mostly close to the foundation of the house. The leaf-buds on the lilacs are swelling a bit, too. The plants know. 

When I see that faint green-yellow haze around the branches of birch trees, then I know, too. 

Take care, 



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