Stop the presses-- or at least shut it off?
Everything from incoming snow to insurrection. Why do we sit for sometimes hours staring at the idiot box, ingesting all of the mess? This obsession with "the news" has spawned an apocalyptic term: doom-scrolling. And it's true. We can't stop poking the wounds. I'm so guilty of this. What we read/see feeds our brains, right? And apparently, mine is addicted to negative media-manna. For the remainder of this week, I hope to curb this almost-insatiable craving for the craven, and read. Write. Watch period-drama movies, or Bluey. Or soak up the green-ness of spring training baseball. That does not mean I won't be sneaking peeks at the news; I still want to know, for example, what the opening salvos will be in the discussion at the Supreme Court about student loan debt. I want to know what's up with the Eastern European tragedy that is the war on Ukraine. But I don't need to track it so closely; it's not healthy for my already-stressed brain. That s...