Snow Day! Be careful!

We all know that frisson of excitement when a snow day is announced-- luckily, our area has started a good practice of calling the night before, if it's possible. That way, we responsible adults who are teachers are not already showered and caffeinated when the call comes. Parents can find child care without panicking. That all said--and yes, I know, we'll be going later in June-- what to do today?

I have a never-ending chore list. I have some papers I could grade. What I want to do is snuggle up in a blanket and read. Most likely, I'll fold laundry, watch my grand-daughter for a while, and maybe get some reading in, but we shall see. The papers can --and probably will-- wait. We have vacation next week. Of course I will save the papers for vacation. (Insert sarcasm)

I know the roads are terrible, and that the plow guys/gals are running on little sleep, and I do worry about them. I worry about my husband who is going to work, and has to drive through Franconia Notch to get there. But I can't help thinking, at least I, who am a nervous winter driver, will be safely ensconced in my home, keeping the pellet stove going and consuming coffee while I worry about all those who must go out and deal with the exigencies of winter weather. 

When the sun brightens the sky, I will assess what needs to be done about snow moving. I see that it is the fluffy sort, so I'm not too worried. For now, though, I'm grateful to be home.

Be safe,



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