Stress dreams, desserts --and it's cold!

I woke up after having a really stressful and stupid dream that involved a woman operating a large piece of heavy machinery who was tearing up my driveway, who also got into a shouting match with a police officer who threatened to arrest her, all while I had people coming here and looking to park, bearing multitudes of desserts for a pot-luck day session of a writing conference. That was all going on, of course, while I was having computer issues, so the people not physically in attendance were not able to zoom in. And we had a half hour lunch break, and, as I mentioned, there was a plethora of desserts--and four bubbling pots of something nasty that smelled like clam chowder but had a crust on top. The only half-edible looking "main dish" was a strange egg souffle that looked like Japanese mochi only huge, and this woman I used to work with took the entire pan of it and was picking at it with a fork, but would not share any. It was weirdly yellow and rubbery, all in a perfectly round ball that wiggled.

So I'm glad to be up, even though it's 20+ below zero. 

And I do have a writing class all day, but no one is expected here. And I have coffee.

Have a good day,



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