Vacation and a Save the Date for What to Keep's debut!

I suppose it's the first day of "vacation" in my little world. In the practical sense, it's also just a Saturday, with the usual grocery-getting, house-cleaning, and so on. I'm not feeling like it's anything all that different. Isn't it funny that a vacation --even if it's just a stay-cation-- doesn't feel like one until the Monday morning when you can sit in your pjs and drink coffee? 

Of course, I can't this week-- I set up a brake job for 8am on Monday. But you know what I mean, right? I'll loll about a few other days. 

Today, though, I chose to scale back my activity level a little-- I will not be participating in the Open Mic at the Coop after all. I truly just want to be home. In fact, given the horror after horror after horror in the news, I kind of want to crawl into a dark closet somewhere. 

Instead, what I'll do is take care of business. Keeping busy making sure my home is a haven is my only defense against the darkness, at least one that I can control. 

In other news, though, What to Keep will have its public debut online in a Zoom chat/reading/q and a with my poet-friend Joann Deiudicibus. Her chapbook, Lost and Found, was released by Finishing Line Press a month before mine; a happy coincidence! She and I have emailed a bit, sharing tips along the way towards publication. She is a writing prof at SUNY-New Paltz, and her poems are lovely. 

We're in process of setting up the practical details like registration, but for now, the date and time have been set: March 19, 7pm. It'll be a relatively informal format, one where we talk about each other's books, ask some questions, read a few each, and then open it up to the "room"-- and this is where another of my poet-friends comes in. Jaime Allesandrine will be handling tech, and I hope, sharing a poem of hers as well. 

In these very difficult times, it's nice to know that there are still good works to explore, good words to write and say and hear, and good people in our corner. 

And one more bit of good stuff: Happiest of Birthdays to my husband, Geoff. We'll manage, won't we, dear? Our little family against the storm.

Take good care, folks. 



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