Time for a break...
UP extra early so I can get to work extra early so I can monitor winter carnival games. I signed up early so I didn't have to stand outside-- too cold for me, thanks.
Then, at 12:30, I'm outta there for a week. Amen. I am in dire need of a break from the routine.
This weekend: Open Mic at the Coop on Sat., then heading out for a birthday dinner for G. Sunday will bring church, then working on The Big Bedroom Redo. I'll make a pot roast dinner for the fam, and we'll celebrate G's birthday with cake and so on.
I hope to be getting better sleep on a new mattress Sunday night. Then, bright and early Monday, I'll go to the shop and get my rear brakes fixed. Sigh. Others might be in Florida, but I'll be at VIP.
That's about as far as it goes in my agenda at this point. I don't dare make any "fun" plans, because they usually slide off the schedule, and then I feel disappointed. I was invited to take part in a spelling bee fundraiser on Wed. evening, but I'm not sure I will go. I feel like I need a real respite from academic pursuits.
Likely, I'll read, maybe get a collection of poetry read and start a book review, and I'll try to get my book launch event(s) figured out. Likely, I'll clean the house and grade papers.
What I'm hoping for is mental rest. That is unlikely, but maybe I can at least avoid getting wound tight. "The world is too much with us, late and soon, " as Wordsworth says.
But for today, I will go and watch games, cheer kids on that are having a good time, and then skedaddle.
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