Snow days and delays-- a mix of emotions
We have a two-hour delay today, so that the roads can be cleared more effectively. That said, it's a mess, and it's lightly snowing still. Yes, it's winter, and yes, it's the week before vacation, which makes it also winter carnival week, and delays crunch time up like a ball of tinfoil. It's almost less disruptive to have a full cancel, but alas, that is not our lot today.
Teachers --well, most of us-- love a snow day, too. It's like a reward: we spend the time over the weekend attending to chores we couldn't get done through the work week, we've spent time grading papers and planning lessons, so where did the weekend go? A snow day, even if it's not a Monday, is a little gift. Time to slow down a little, to claim a little time for yourself. Delays just delay things.
That said, we'll still have to manage, to cram lessons in, or move them around. I'm game. I've been in this biz long enough to know that I have to make sure that there are a few "flex" days in my syllabus; there's always something that drops off the calendar, and I know from experience just what students are likely not to miss. I'd get rid of the film this week, if I had to, but that might spark revolt. I think we'll still have enough time to accomplish much of what we were hoping to do, since I made this week a little looser. We don't have class time on Friday due to winter carnival stuff, so I planned for that. And of course, I have a student who has informed me that his family is heading out for vacation early, so he'll have to get stuff done a day sooner-- not my concern, really. He'll either do or not do. I just shrug at this point.
So today, assuming all goes according to my revised plan, we'll dabble in the poems of Dickinson, and I will likely have to shove Longfellow to Thursday, or after break, or maybe he'll be the casualty of the delay. I hate to do that, but I suspect that the kids will live long and productive lives regardless. When we have classes that are only an hour long due to the shortened schedule, there's not a heck of a lot I can do other than soldier on, and hope for the best. I'm used to it. Winter happens every year, right?
That said, I have time this morning-- an extra bit-- to either lounge or be productive. Right now, I'm not sure which one I'll go with.
Stay safe, friends. The winter will end sometime. How's that for a metaphor?
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