...my little book will be here tomorrow!

I was pondering about what to write this morning, given that the national and global news is so dire it is paralyzing my brain. At school, things limp along towards a much-needed Winter Break. My classroom is cold. yadda yadda

Then, I opened my email to find the notification that my book will be here tomorrow! And individual copies that were ordered directly from the publisher ought to be winging their way within a day or so. How exciting! I've been trying to figure out how to do a book launch party, and whether to do one online as well. The Littleton Food Co-op will host one for me in the cafe, which would be nice and convenient. And there's another open mic event this Saturday, so I can announce it then, I suppose, if I get my act together quickly. I have this afternoon to puzzle that over; we have a staff meeting, so I'll just stay at work. That gives me 90 unfilled minutes to consider on this. 

I'd like to have both G and Meg there, but coordinating schedules will be tricky. And I have local folks who would like to be there, so I need to consider their lives as well. Maybe I'll have cupcakes. Who knows? And for an online launch, I don't even know how to do that. I'll have to ask for ideas.

Anyhow, it's a fun "problem" to have. 

I hope you have a good day,



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