Look to Whitman

“There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance.” – Walt Whitman

So, here I am, finding my solace and inspiration this morning from Walt Whitman. 

We had a productive day yesterday, very busy with moving around furniture in the bedrooms upstairs, setting up a new bed frame and mattress, and so on. Hot, dusty work. But it's done, and sleep may be a lot easier. I sure hope so. Last night was good; I slept fairly well, but my tummy troubles kept me up and down a bit. This stupid gastritis is getting better, but I made a few poor choices (afternoon coffee) and my guts grumbled a lot. That said, the mattress is comfy. The new sheets and bedding are nice, too. 

In short, I was able to limit my intake of the horrors, and maybe that'll help my disposition. Meg said it best the other day: we are all tired of living in history. 

I hope you have a restful day. Be safe. Be vigilant. Be brave. 

I'll try, too.



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